P | para |
PA | posteroanterior |
PAC | premature atrial contraction |
PAO2 | alveolar oxygen |
PaO2 | peripheral arterial oxygen content |
PAP | pulmonary artery pressure |
PAT | paroxysymal atrial tachycardia |
P&PD | percussion and postural drainage |
PC | after eating |
PCWP | pulmonary capillary wedge pressure |
PDA | patent ductus arteriosus |
PDR | physicians desk reference |
PE | pulmonary embolus, or physical exam or pleural effusion |
PEEP | positive end expiratory pressure |
PFT | pulmonary function tests |
pg | picogram |
PI | pulmonic insufficiency disease |
PKU | phenylketonuria |
PMH | previous medical history |
PMI | point of maximal impulse |
PMN | polymorphonuclear leukocyte (neutrophil) |
PND | paroxysmal nocturnal dyspnea |
PO | by mouth |
POD | post-op day |
PP | postprandial or pulsus paradoxus |
PPD | purified protein derivative |
PR | by rectum |
PRBC | packed red blood cells |
PRN | as needed |
PS | pulmonic stenosis |
PT | prothrombin time, or physical therapy |
Pt | patient |
PTCA | percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty |
PTH | parathyroid hormone |
PTHC | percutaneous transhepatic cholangiogram |
PTT | partial thromboplastin time |
PUD | peptic ulcer disease |
PVC | premature ventricular contraction |
PVD | peripheral vascular disease |